Pirate Ceremony Performed
by Reverend Captain John Lee
Yo Yo: Gather round ye Mates and Misses and ye dearly beloved rogues, wenches, scoundrels, roustabouts, and even ye urchins. We have come together today to witness the partnering of me Lord Javier VanWisse and me Lady, Pamela Booton… and let’s be honest, for good drink and food, camaraderie and the good cheer of New Orleans.
Lord Javier and me Lady Pamela, ye are here
today entering into a commitment born of love. Before these witnesses ye are
joining together, creating a union that involves both joy and responsibility. Ye
must enter into yer partnership without lien on either of yer ships or crew and
be free of other commitments.
If’n ye both understand the importance of this ‘ear’ action, say “Aye”,
Pamela and Javier: [Aye].
Bring forth me sword!
Do ye both swear on this ear sword that there is
no reason why this ear union cannot proceed?
Lady Pamela: [I swear it.]
Lord Javier: [As do I.]
Well, now then:
Me Lord do ye desire, to partner with me Lady Pamela, to love and protect her and will ye comfort her and honor her for the
rest of your days? No matter what ill winds might blow or what treasure might tempt ye? Say “Aye”.
Lord Javier: [Aye.]
Now, me Lady do ye desire Lord Javier? To hold as your partner? Will ye have this Lord and will you love him, comfort him and
honor him? No matter what ill winds might blow or what treasure might tempt ye?
Say “Aye”.
Lady Pamela: [Aye.]
To the audience: A marriage is more than two people. It is also the trusty crew that blesses and comforts them, supports
them in good winds and bad. All who would provide that support, say “Arr!”
Crowd: [Arr!]
Now who holds the rings?
{Jessica comes forward with rings.}
The ring is the most recognized symbol of love and commitment. Wearing the ring symbolizes eternal love. When the rings are
lovingly chosen, whether taken as a part of rightful plunder or stolen from a sunken treasure chest, they symbolize the happiness, wholeness, and love of yer partnership. Yer exchange of rings shows how yer lives are now interwined.
Lord Javier, place the ring on me Lady’s hand and repeat after me:
I present ye this ring/as a symbol of our love. / It is a reminder of /our promises / to one another.
{Lord Javier is repeating.}
Lady Pamela, repeat after me:
I will wear this ring / as a symbol of our love. / It will remind me / of our promises / to one another.
{Lady Pamela is repeating.}
Lady Pamela, place this ring on me Lord’s hand
and repeat after me:
I present ye this ring / as a symbol of our love. / It will remind me / of our promises / to one another.
{Lady Pamela is repeating.}
Lord Javier, repeat after me:
I will wear this ring / as a symbol of our love.
/ It will remind me / of our promises / to one another.
{Lord Javier is repeating.}
Bring forth me sword again! {Again with the sword.}
When ye both step over this sword, it symbolizes cutting past ties and moving into the future together.
{ The couple steps over the sword!!!}
May yer union be blessed by God and may it be spoken of wherever the Jolly Roger flies and by the powers given to me by the
State of Lousiana, the great State of Texas, and the Universal Life Church, I now pronounce ye man and wife.
Ye may kiss… Briefly, don’t get carried away. The rums is waiting.
I am honored to present Lord and Lady VanWisse-Booton. So give em three cheers!!!
Hip hip-[HOORAY!] Hip hip-[HOORAY!] Hip hip-[HOORAY!]
Lord Javier and me Lady Pamela, ye are here
today entering into a commitment born of love. Before these witnesses ye are
joining together, creating a union that involves both joy and responsibility. Ye
must enter into yer partnership without lien on either of yer ships or crew and
be free of other commitments.
If’n ye both understand the importance of this ‘ear’ action, say “Aye”,
Pamela and Javier: [Aye].
Bring forth me sword!
Do ye both swear on this ear sword that there is
no reason why this ear union cannot proceed?
Lady Pamela: [I swear it.]
Lord Javier: [As do I.]
Well, now then:
Me Lord do ye desire, to partner with me Lady Pamela, to love and protect her and will ye comfort her and honor her for the
rest of your days? No matter what ill winds might blow or what treasure might tempt ye? Say “Aye”.
Lord Javier: [Aye.]
Now, me Lady do ye desire Lord Javier? To hold as your partner? Will ye have this Lord and will you love him, comfort him and
honor him? No matter what ill winds might blow or what treasure might tempt ye?
Say “Aye”.
Lady Pamela: [Aye.]
To the audience: A marriage is more than two people. It is also the trusty crew that blesses and comforts them, supports
them in good winds and bad. All who would provide that support, say “Arr!”
Crowd: [Arr!]
Now who holds the rings?
{Jessica comes forward with rings.}
The ring is the most recognized symbol of love and commitment. Wearing the ring symbolizes eternal love. When the rings are
lovingly chosen, whether taken as a part of rightful plunder or stolen from a sunken treasure chest, they symbolize the happiness, wholeness, and love of yer partnership. Yer exchange of rings shows how yer lives are now interwined.
Lord Javier, place the ring on me Lady’s hand and repeat after me:
I present ye this ring/as a symbol of our love. / It is a reminder of /our promises / to one another.
{Lord Javier is repeating.}
Lady Pamela, repeat after me:
I will wear this ring / as a symbol of our love. / It will remind me / of our promises / to one another.
{Lady Pamela is repeating.}
Lady Pamela, place this ring on me Lord’s hand
and repeat after me:
I present ye this ring / as a symbol of our love. / It will remind me / of our promises / to one another.
{Lady Pamela is repeating.}
Lord Javier, repeat after me:
I will wear this ring / as a symbol of our love.
/ It will remind me / of our promises / to one another.
{Lord Javier is repeating.}
Bring forth me sword again! {Again with the sword.}
When ye both step over this sword, it symbolizes cutting past ties and moving into the future together.
{ The couple steps over the sword!!!}
May yer union be blessed by God and may it be spoken of wherever the Jolly Roger flies and by the powers given to me by the
State of Lousiana, the great State of Texas, and the Universal Life Church, I now pronounce ye man and wife.
Ye may kiss… Briefly, don’t get carried away. The rums is waiting.
I am honored to present Lord and Lady VanWisse-Booton. So give em three cheers!!!
Hip hip-[HOORAY!] Hip hip-[HOORAY!] Hip hip-[HOORAY!]